What will result in the mix of AI and YouTube!

 YouTube cannot merely be regarded as an online video platform, but certainly, it is a stage to display one’s creativity. In fact, some would use YouTube solely for entertainment purposes. On the other hand, the rest would use YouTube for Knowledge gathering and Sharing. However, irrespective of the particular user intent, YouTube continues to prove heavily beneficial for all its users.

Nevertheless, have you ever thought about how these contents get managed and regulated? With billions and trillions of video streamers along with a similar number of videos being uploaded to the platform every day, it would of course be a Sisyphean task, if YouTube managers had to rely on conventional technology.

However, YouTube has found the perfect strategy to nail this burden, and that is by using AI! In fact, YouTube managers primarily utilize Artificial Intelligence for ample purposes such as adding new effects to videos, regulating age-restricted content, tackling fake news, as well as automatically thwarting unfit content, to name a few among them. In fact, today we thought of bringing you some of the important adoptions of AI when it comes to regulating YouTube Content.

As an abode to a large number of diverse user profiles, YouTube is certainly prone to misleading and fake content uploads. However, compared to several other social media sites which merely flag off fake content, the strategy of YouTube is seemingly different. In fact, an advanced Artificial Intelligence model is utilized by the YouTube Managers for the purpose of thwarting off offensive and fake information.

This way, they manage to preserve content which complies with the YouTube Policies, while ousting the ones which doesn’t align. Especially, the trashy video classifier equipped by YouTube manifests in a way to scan the home page as well as the watch next tabs in the platform, in order to effectively remove content with a misleading title or else with spam content, by examining the feedback received by the viewers.

Also, the “Up next”, a feature of YouTube which is a two-part system, has been powered by the adoption of Artificial Intelligence technology. In fact, the initial step taken by this system would be to engage in the process of candidate generation where the algorithm will function on evaluating the history of a specific user on YouTube. Next, by giving out a score for each of these videos, the algorithm ranks the content, in order to come up with better video suggestions.

Moreover, YouTube uses Artificial Intelligence for the purpose of restricting youngsters from watching mature content that had been recommended for an adult audience. Until very recently, YouTube managers depended on the flagged videos marked by the content creators themselves, to fulfill this requirement. However, the situation is far more different now. In fact, the system now depends on an advanced machine learning algorithm so as to select which videos fit a particular type of viewer group.

No matter the extent of benefits that YouTube reaps out of AI, it also returns much to the very technology. In fact, YouTube videos had been contributing enormously to training AI-based data sets. For example, the AI-researchers of Google has made use of more than 2,000 "mannequin challenge" videos, that had been uploaded to the platform. Through the data obtained from these videos, they also have started to develop an advanced AI-model, that possess the capacity of measuring the depth of field in videos.

So, do you now understand the synergy of AI and YouTube? What do you think? Has AI been able to change the game for YouTube? Please let us know in the comments section below.


  1. Well, Yes I think Ai has become a big part for youtube's success and regular suggestions that keep users in getting rich content. I think this could be a very interesting research area for someone enthusiastic about social media analysis.


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