Health is wealth!

 Health is certainly the wealth of every human being! Especially during this unprecedented era of a global pandemic, we realize the eternal validity of this proverb as never before. However, this blog is nothing related to the pandemic, as we have already brought to you a lot about this topic, from one of our previous blogs.

So, from today’s blog, we thought of sharing some important details with you, as to how AI technology is transforming the global health care industry at present!

· Clinical Decision Making

The integration of AI technology within the healthcare industry can be viewed as astounding, especially owing to the speed and accuracy of AI applications in diagnosing critical diseases. For example, as per a recent article by, AI-based devices are approximately 1000 times faster than doctors, when it comes to analyzing biopsy imagery as well as MRI scan results.

In fact, with regard to the decision-making process of critical illnesses such as cancer, AI is a game-changer. Not only it enables doctors to take early measures, but also leads to reduce the risks on patients’ lives, thereby lowering the rates of mortality.

Robots or Doctors?

Due to the surprising capabilities of AI systems, one should not be amazed as to how robots can be replaced to perform certain activities, which were previously handled by doctors.

For instance, due to their amazing skill of precision handling, surgical robots are widely used to perform complex surgeries on patients, instead of requiring skilled human surgeons to carry out the act. In fact, these robots are not only time-saving but are also accurate. As a result, they can carry out the surgeries in the same way, as it was earlier done by human surgeons.

Also, nurse robots are becoming much popular nowadays, as they can effectively deliver medical supplies throughout the hospitals, thereby navigating pathways on their own. However, better to keep in mind that these robots need to undergo further development, in order to function optimally.

Having said that, you should never lose hope in nurse robots. As AI scientists are already working for advancing them, we would in fact be able to use fully automated nurse robots, in the years to come.

· Personalized Healthcare Experience

It is highly unlikely for another technology to surpass the utility of AI technology, when it comes to the analysis of data, thereby maintaining higher rates of accuracy.

Even when taken in relation to the analysis of patient data, the utility of AI is nothing different. In fact, AI-powered healthcare networks, which are capable in predictive analytics could also be used to streamline patients’ experience efficiently.

For example, these predictive networks will have a significant potential to reduce the wait times of patients by continuous analysis of data. Apart from that, even the staff workflows can be improved, thereby increasing the overall efficacy of hospital administration.

Utility in Pharma and Biotech Industry

As AI places its footprint in the industry of Pharma & Biotech, the ordinary tasks that had been earlier done by humans, are now being handed over to state-of-the-art Intelligent machines.

In fact, most of the businesses in the so-called industry, are currently using AI based applications for precision medicine, to develop new drugs, and even to tackle diseases effectively.

AI-Powered Chatbots as Medical Assistants

AI-chatbots are highly used in modern healthcare institutions, so as to support human professionals who are dealing with various administrative activities. In fact, time-consuming administrative functions such as scheduling doctor appointments and setting up medication reminders, are no longer carried out by human assistants, as AI-chatbots are fulfilling their responsibility very well!

Therefore, market experts believe that the demand for AI- chatbots in health settings will increase in the years to come. Especially, the reason for them to postulate the fact is not only due to the streamlining of operations by chatbots but also due to the significant impact they can make on the operational costs of such entities.

Last but not least, it’s better to remember that all that we discussed is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the true potential of what AI can do in the healthcare industry is yet to be discovered, and maybe we will have to wait for some time!


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