Is AI improving Your Daily Life?

 Artificial Intelligence has influenced almost every aspect of our day-to-day lives. No matter whether we try to read our emails or watch YouTube, AI functions from within to provide a seamless user experience. So, here we bring you 05 ways, through which Artificial Intelligence improves the quality of our daily lives.

01. Music Recommendations

Due to hundreds of thousands of tracks being uploaded to music streaming services like Spotify, Apple, Pandora, and Amazon every day, AI technology is integrated into each of these platforms to optimize the experiences of users.

Basically, Artificial Intelligence is used to analyze the listening history of each user so as to provide effective recommendations based on this history. For instance, machine learning technology is used by Spotify in its Discover Weekly Service, in order to provide users with customized playlists of brand-new music every Monday. Granting a two-way benefit for both artists and users, this feature especially exposes new artists to a wide user base, whilst providing an all-time fresh experience for the users.

02. Fraud Prevention

Artificial Intelligence is basically utilized to streamline a variety of functions at most of the global monetary institutions. Especially, when it comes to fraud prevention, banks are massively relying on this amazing technology. For example, in case of a huge transaction being made from your account, this AI integrated system will send you a notification within a fraction of a second. This way an immediate action could be prompted if such a transaction is suspicious and wasn’t performed by you!

Also, due to AI’s aptitude in user behavior analytics, the system may warn you if it detects unusual patterns of spending from your account. This notification would thereby enable you to stop

further transactions from happening, whilst taking the necessary legal actions against the fraudster.

03. Online Stores and Services

As most of us are ardent lovers of online shopping, you might have utilized several AI-enabled functions on e-commerce sites, without really knowing that AI is at the back-end. In fact, did you ever realize that AI was the reason to display a particular product advertisement on your screen, after the recent Google search you did on the same Product? Well, apart from this type of Social Media Advertising, AI even plays a pivotal role in major components of online shopping such as digital assistant technology and web searches.

Especially, AI functions to deliver you a personalized shopping experience by specifically analyzing the recent clicks/search queries, shopping carts and even your purchasing history. Therefore, you would no longer be required to manually search each product on your list, as these AI-powered platforms will recommend ideal products, by understanding your preferences as a consumer.

04. Home Security

Nowadays, most of the cutting-edge home security systems are based on AI-integrated alarm and camera systems. Basically, by utilizing machine learning and facial recognition software to create a catalog of frequent visitors to your home, these devices function to identify strangers immediately. Additionally, some of these systems are also integrated with unique features such as tracking the movement of pets, or notifying the arrival of family members at home, thereby securing your peace of mind!

05. Social Media

Social Media is prevalent in all our lives as millennials, in spite of who we are or what we do! However, did you notice the fact that contemporary Social Media Platforms are seemingly

smarter than they were first introduced prior two decades? In fact, any other technology isn’t responsible for this drastic transformation, but of course Artificial Intelligence!

One of the main functions of AI in Social Media is advertising, whereas most of the social media networks allow marketers to run huge ad campaigns by targeting a specific audience. This in turn enables businesses to advertise and reach the best-matched audience with particular products or services, thereby attracting more sales opportunities. Additionally, AI can even create productive social media advertisements on its own, and these ads also could be optimized in a way to generate clicks and conversions!

Apart from that, social media sites also rely on AI technology to accentuate user experience. For instance, Facebook utilizes none other than machine learning technology, to recognize users’ faces in photos, so as to provide them with personalized content. Also, LinkedIn uses Artificial Intelligence to suggest connections to its users, besides notifying them of eligible Job vacancies.

So why not say that AI is all over the place in improving our daily lives!


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